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  • Writer's picture Bowie Matteson

Weekly Update March 11th-16th

Hi Everyone

Here's the happenings for this week:

1. The health and wellness summit this past weekend in Atlanta was a success. I got to meet a lot of new people and learn about some cool developments in the alternative medicine space. Things like:

A. Chlorine dioxide

B. Nano-silver applications (Oral health, wound health, antioxidant capacity, heavy metal regulation)

C. Technology that can give you a live reading of your antioxidant capacity (Biophotonic Scanner)

D. Vaccination injury information

Also, Atlanta was wonderful. I had never been before but enjoyed it thoroughly. I was in East Atlanta Village. Lots of great art, delicious food (BBQ!) and walkability.

2. Doubling down on thymus gland support

So I got my orders in for the thymus gland support. I was able to find two substances with enough literature behind it to warrant an order. I chose ProBoost's Thymic Protein A and Limitless Life Nootropics' Thymosin Alpha 1. Both are peptides with studied effects on positively influencing thymus gland regeneration and improving the output of functional T-cells.

My intention is to reboot and re-school my thymus gland and the resulting T-cells to allow for beta cell growth. I'll be combining these two peptides with some pro-beta cell methods.

3. Chiropractor appointment

I have my first consultation with a local chiropractor scheduled to see what they have to say about my spine. After reading about the role of spinal health on the nervous system (and reading some anecdotal successes from those with diabetes) I decided to see if a holistic practitioner might be able to shed some light on my body alignment and whether or not that could be influencing my pancreatic function.

Some theorize that improper or blocked nerve function within the spine is contributing to diabetes. I've always had a series of knots and tender spots in my mid-back and it seems to line-up with the vertebrae where the pancreatic nerves enter.

I'm excited for it. It's another stone to look under.


This is one of my favorite times of the year. Nature shakes out it's winter stiffness and starts to ready for springtime blooms. The weather in the US Northeast has been spectacular and I'm taking every opportunity I can to get outside. Tons of sun, nature walks and listening to the birds.

The spring equinox is a pivotal time spiritually speaking as well. It's a time to start planting seeds for your goals ahead, to move forward with the new outlooks and wisdom we've developed through our wintertime hibernations.

I'm listening to the birds sing as I write this. I love it.

Spring means that its baseball season too!


As always, thank you for being here. This spring holds so much promise for our health. I feel it in my bones. I'm beginning to stir some ideas on educational courses for the "new" diabetes outlook. Something for those new to diabetes in general, and then new things to consider for those who have had it for some time.

Lots of positive self-talk, lots of faith in all the work we're doing to change the course of diabetes.

Enjoy the week!


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